Animal Success Stories

We welcome updates on the hounds we have placed... if you have a story to tell, please send it to Sally Mitchell,, with photos if possible, and we'll feature it here.

Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

Here's the beautiful Miss Ellie, a two-time graduate of GGBR, and I promise, this time it's forever! She's a great big girl, but has trimmed down to a svelte 70 pounds and with home-cooking, we have eliminated her allergies. At the age of six-and-a-half, she seems to be a perpetual puppy. She helps with the dishes by crawling into the dishwasher, she trashes the wastebaskets, counter-surfs and runs through the house with a stuffed toy in her jaws. Oh, yes, and she's peed on the carpet a few times, but what else would I do with my carpet shampooer?? Her sister Maggie (also from GGBR) and brother Mo think she's pretty special. I have to agree with them :)