Animal Success Stories

We welcome updates on the hounds we have placed... if you have a story to tell, please send it to Sally Mitchell,, with photos if possible, and we'll feature it here.

Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

Heidi came to me in May 2010 via the Sonoma County Humane Society and several GGBR volunteers who offered to transport her to me for foster care until she found a forever home. She was going to be the second dog I had fostered. Her age was thought to be about 8 and as it turned out she was heartworm positive, obese and a sick girl. After a 2 month long treatment course for heartworm where she was crated most of the time, you could tell when she began to feel better, a new puppy personality came out. Needless to say after having this little girl for two months I thought if she was good around the grandchildren, maybe I should keep her. That was the wrong thing to do if you really did not want a second dog. I had a dog Beuford a 7 year old with his own story. The grandchildren loved her. I adopted Heidi, a foster failure they called it. She lost the excess weight and as she got better she loved to go on walks, rides in the car and would sit and whine at me right along side Beuford. She and Beuford finally started to bond and her back was often a resting place for Beuford’s head (as evidenced in the attached photo). Everyone loved Heidi and she did not meet a person, dog, or cat that she did not love. She loved Buster the cat and would lick his face like it was her new puppy. Buster being used to dogs just took it until he had enough and would roll over and bat Heidi’s nose saying stop!! Heidi was such a nice addition to the house but it was to be a short stay. She died suddenly on 10/10/10 of Bloat. Although her stay was short, the last months of her life were filled with happy memories of camping, rides in the car, walks, good food, and comfy beds. My life was richer for it. See you at the Bridge, Virginia Tallman, Beuford and Buster