Animal Success Stories

We welcome updates on the hounds we have placed... if you have a story to tell, please send it to Sally Mitchell,, with photos if possible, and we'll feature it here.

Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!
Sherlock 2009

Sherlock came to us from the Merced County shelter in early July 2009. He was somewhere around a year and half old, but everyone thought he was elderly because he was so filthy and underweight. He could barely walk and weight 45 pounds. He's now 65 pounds and the energetic, silly basset he was always meant to be. We were his foster home for about 2 weeks before it was obvious he would never be leaving us. Now he's a happy healthy boy who loves absolutely everyone and has taken his proper place on our bed. He knew he was home the second he came in the door and has been sleeping with us ever since. He was quite fearful of most anything at first and would hide his head if you raised your voice even a little. We didn't hear him bark until he had been with us for 4 months! Now he knows there's nothing to be afraid of and is a complete snuggle hound, asking for belly rubs from everyone at any time. He didn't even know how to play with other dogs but quickly caught on after some education from our 7 year old basset, Josie. It's taken time and some work, but he's become settled with almost all of his fearfulness fallen away. We're sure he'll get past the little bit that's left in time and with lots of love. Thank you for letting us be a failed foster home to this truly wonderful dog. Best regards, Marian Waldman