Animal Success Stories

We welcome updates on the hounds we have placed... if you have a story to tell, please send it to Sally Mitchell,, with photos if possible, and we'll feature it here.

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We are so happy Ricky came into our lives in June. My Son has Autism and he just Loves Ricky to death. Ricky Loves to play with his toy stuffless racoon and many other toys. He also loves to go for walks and when it is Bedtime he and my husband go to bed and when I come in later for bed I don't have a spot me! It is so cute! I can't imagine life without him. Thank You! Andrea D Busath P.S. In this Picture Ricky is helping me fold clothes.


Ricky: a Success Story We adopted Ricky in October of 2008 and he has been a fantastic addition to our family, a perfect fit. He is smart, mellow, playful and so sweet! He loves kids and he loves other dogs. We take him to a local dog park and he is in heaven. I feel so fortunate to have discovered him through the Golden Gate Bassett Rescue. We could not have found a better dog for the needs of our family!

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