Animal Success Stories

We welcome updates on the hounds we have placed... if you have a story to tell, please send it to Sally Mitchell,, with photos if possible, and we'll feature it here.

Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

Miss Penelope Pitstop is a lucky gal! Although she was abandoned by her family and lived as a stray for months, she was rescued last summer by the wonderful folks at Golden Gate Basset Rescue. She was thin, dirty, and very sick. Veterinary examination revealed infections in her uterus, lungs, bladder, and teeth. The Golden Gate board members saw a real spirit in this small basset girl and longed to give her a second chance. After $1,000 worth of surgery and recuperation at a loving foster home, Penny was ready to venture out into the wide world again, although she didn't much trust people, shied from their advances, bolted at loud noises, and wouldn't look folks in the eye. She has come a LONG WAY! She is now the sweetest, stubbornist, happiest gal ever! She loves to meet other dogs, is entranced by cats, lives with two chickens she thinks are fascinating, and she loves to take walks and roll in the long, cool grass. She has brought her Mama so much joy in the last 8-1/2 months! She is truly a wonder!!! Miss Penelope Pitstop - Best Rescue Story Ever!!! (Penny was adopted in October 2007)