Animal Success Stories

We welcome updates on the hounds we have placed... if you have a story to tell, please send it to Sally Mitchell,, with photos if possible, and we'll feature it here.

Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!
Miss Gracie

Gracie is another foster failure. She is just the sweetest. Once again my daughters and I drove to Salinas …. This time to pull 2 female bassets who had been dumped by the side of the road near a farm labor camp. Gracie was a little thin and obviously overbred but not in too bad shape otherwise. The shelter was full and these girls reached their out date and I pulled them both. The other basset (Ruby) was picked up by Susan R at my home. Gracie met Snoopy and LuLu (my resident bassets) and made herself at home. Gracie is gorgeous and there was an immediate (like within a week) inquiry for her. She wasn’t even spayed yet (it was scheduled). I spoke to the folks and I told Donna that I just didn’t feel it was a good fit. After discussing it with my family we realized that there was no home anywhere which would be as good a fit for Gracie as our home, and so she stayed. Part of it probably has to do with our loss of Cyrus (a lab who was nearly 9 who succumbed to a bought of the flu) on 8/1. Snoopy and LuLu took to Gracie like a duck to water and as did we all and couldn’t deal with another loss so soon. Gracie and LuLu love to wrestle and play …. They are each others favorite chew toy. Gracie has a bit more puppy in her than LuLu did, she steals stuff and she makes mischief and she chews on remotes and she counter cruises. She’s adorable and she knows it …. So she gets away with a lot. We brought her home on 8/12 and she’s really been very easy. I claim she’s a dickens but she’ll go 4-5 days between accidents …. Which is wonderful for a dog who has clearly never been a pet before … and getting better all the time. She steals stuff but only really chews up paper. She’s learning to snuggle, at first she would only cuddle other dogs but these days she will curl up and let me hug her for minutes. LuLu is my kissy girl but Gracie is picking it up. In the photo, Gracie and LuLu (can you believe how much alike they look, probably the same #*I@ puppy mill).and Snoopy are on the 3 dog couch, which is where they hang out when I work from home. It amazed me how these hounds love each other like they’ve always been together. Snoopy is another rescue …. Do you almost 2 years ago about a hound who came into the South County Santa Clara shelter bonded to a rather aggressive Austrailian shepard …. The shelter said austrialian shepard rescue took the other dog and left Snoopy …. And I came and bailed Snoopy out before GGBR could grab him … he has his own story, that’s for another day.