Animal Success Stories

We welcome updates on the hounds we have placed... if you have a story to tell, please send it to Sally Mitchell,, with photos if possible, and we'll feature it here.

Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!
Daisy (1/12)

Date of Adoption 2/18/2012 Daisy has filled a hole in our home and hearts that has already made our family feel complete again. We owned basset hounds (2 females) who we loved for many years until they passed away (at age 12 and 16). We later adopted a larger (mixed breed) rescue dog who we treasured for 10 years until he too died. We waited a full year before deciding to adopt a dog again, but knew we wanted to go back to owning a basset hound because of their loving and gentle ways. We went to Wags n’ Wuv – an adoption fair put on in Oakland by Citizen Canine, specifically because we read Golden Gate Basset Rescue would be there. We met Daisy at the event who was there with her dedicated and loving foster parents (Sally & Mike) as well as the remarkable veterinarian (Mark) who operated on her for a large bladder stone and treated her for other medical conditions she had developed from being neglected and left to roam on the street. She made a miraculous recovery and is now putting weight back on that she lost while ill and looking more adorable every day. She is crazy about people and dogs and is a little flirt on walks, wanting everyone to meet and greet her. She is a champion cuddle-bug and totally into sun-bathing. She is the most low-maintenance, easy-going dog we’ve ever owned. We are head over heels in love with her and are so grateful to everyone associated with GGBR who brought her into our lives. Peter & Carol