Animal Success Stories

We welcome updates on the hounds we have placed... if you have a story to tell, please send it to Sally Mitchell,, with photos if possible, and we'll feature it here.

Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

Mari came to us after being found wandering in Mariposa. She has short ears and a deformed front paw. When she arrived, she was very quiet and subdued. During the first few weeks, we tried to take her for walks, but she was not interested in going more than a few feet in any one direction. Given she is young, about three years old, we assumed her lack of interest in being mobile was related to her bad leg. After about six weeks with us, she began to warm up and now we know she can run like nobody's business! While she prefers to do some things lying down, like eating, she loves to chase birds and squirrels outside and enjoys being chased around the house and yard by her humans, especially when a wooden duck toy is involved. She is a very smart dog and has an amazing sense of smell. She is slowly making progress with her separation anxiety and distrust of other dogs. She loves people and even when she knows she has been naughty, she rolls over for a belly rub. Mari gets lots of human interaction and we continue to assure her she is safe with us. --Robyn K., 06Oct2023