Animal Success Stories

We welcome updates on the hounds we have placed... if you have a story to tell, please send it to Sally Mitchell,, with photos if possible, and we'll feature it here.

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Charlie (male)

we are the people that adopted charlie from the sacramento area thanks to golden gate rescue. he is without a doubt an amazing dog. charlie is our 3rd basset and comes a close second to being the best. he was kind of house broken when we got him about 2 months ago, all it takes is paying attention and he let's you know when he needs a walk. he loves playing ball with his choc. labr brother trigger. they are so funny together. charlie does hot laps around the house and it is a riot. that is probably the only time he barks. we have not heard him howl yet, and he doesn't talk at all. he likes to sneak up on the furniture when we aren't home, but mostly sleeps in his bed. we couldn't be happier and that is the truth. jill and maarten de witte


Cooper came into our lives like a bolt of lightning. We were living a fairly staid life, comfortable but missing the two dogs we had lost this year. We had adopted a Rescue Staghound as a companion for our other two dogs, and she was a gem, taking over as queen of the pack with scarcely a ripple. We had feelers out for a Basset Hound, looking for a mature dog to replace the Basset mix I once had. In-stead, Donna Lim of GGBR offered us a puppy, a starveling of 10 weeks or so that GGBR had rescued from death at the hands of the Sacramento City Pound. Sallie looked at me and said “A puppy!?” “I'll take all responsibility,” I replied, not remembering (or choosing not to remember) past puppies I had raised. We agreed to take him. His name was Cooper. When we picked him up he looked like a big-headed dachshund with legs like tree trunks. He couldn't move forward without stepping on his own ears. He pooped and peed and threw up in the car on the trip home, then nestled in under my arm with his head in my lap. I was hooked. Since then it has been a little like opening Pandora's box. Not that anything evil ever came out of this little guy, but he was a constant whirlwind of chewing, romping, bookeating, toiletpaper unrolling, wastebasket exploring,peeing and pooping, a dog who wanted to taste everything life had to offer. We had had him three days when he had to go to the emergency room at VCA in Sacramento. He had to stay overnight. The next day when we came to get him, he romped all over the car, threw his toys in the air and gave little yelps of joy. He was so afraid we were going to abandon him! He's now a 5 mo old adolescent, knows to sit and wait for food, to go to the door when he has to go. Our Staghound has taken him under her wing and taught him some doggie manners. She is his doggie mom, and they play together for hours. He has been quick to learn some human commands and he will start Basset school soon. He can still be a goofy puppy. We love him.


I wanted to share our rescue success with Casanova, now going by the name of Mater. Mater was one of the rescue dogs from the Red Bluff kennel. Our daughter Lindsay took Mater in to foster back in December of 2009. During that foster time it was apparent that my 4 year old grandson was too stimulating for Mater. He was frightened of the noise and activity a 4 year old makes. Several attempts were made with others to adopt Mater. But again his fear was hard for adoption to be successful. Around last Easter my husband, Steve and I told Lindsay we would help with Mater until he was adopted as we had “dog sat” for her a few times. We had two doxies at the time and they welcomed Mater in. Mater never appeared frightened of other dogs it was people, noise, doors, kids, food, the list goes on. In a short time we could see Mater starting to calm and join our family. We offered to adopt and have never been happier with our addition. Mater now runs up to greet us, sits on our lap, eats with people around him and shares a bed with Peggy Sue (one of our doxies). We lost our older doxie Lucy this summer and Mater stepped right in to help Peggy Sue as Lucy was her mom. Mater has allowed family members to pet him and he wags his tail almost all the time. Still doesn’t like direct eye contact, won’t kiss you if you paid him and does not like doors or doorways. We love our Mater and appreciate all the hard work your organization does to help these dogs in need; as you help them find a house they can call home for good! Attached are a few pictures of Mater. Sincerely, Stephanie and Steve Sicke Chico, CA

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